Popular Destinations in Belize
Calico Jack’s Resort is within driving distance of many popular Belize destinations. Calico Jack’s can assist you by recommending accommodations, and help you plan additional tours and packages, including visits to Mayan temples, bird watching, caving, cave tubing, hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving and fishing.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us. If you are ready to book a reservation, please make sure to indicate your special interests on our reservation form so we can get back to you to work out the details.

Cockcomb Basin Jaguar Reserve
Belize Jaguar Reserve
Originally established in 1984 as a reserve to protect a large jaguar population, as well as other resident wildlife, the sanctuary is also known as The Jaguar Reserve.
Since the sanctuary is home to numerous members of the cat family, there is also a large population of mammals and birds to support the food chain.
Aguacaliente Wildlife Sanctuary
Is a protected area of about 5,492 acres situated in the lowland area between Laguna and Blue Creek, Toledo District. It borders Mayan Indian Reservations and forest reserves. The sanctuary consists of three freshwater lagoons, two hot springs (giving the area its name), and acts as a reservoir for waters that supply most of the tributaries flowing into the Moho River.
Kayaking in Belize
Guided by your curiosity and powered by your own movements, you can experience the thrill of beholding an entire horizon of setting sun and distant palm trees or a maze of green vines, enormous trees, and wailing wildlife. Kayaking the waterways of Belize may be the best way to experience the natural wonders of the country.
The many rivers and tributaries of Belize offer an enchanting mixture of jungle scenery and peaceful village life to experienced veterans, novice paddlers, or https://www.spellwebinfotech.com competitive racers. Guided tours, adventure packages, day trips, overnight expeditions, and annual races take advantage of the ceaseless movement of the rivers and are easily accessible.
Because of its close proximity with various cayes, Placencia Village in southern Belize has a variety of paddling expeditions that leave right from its white sand beaches. Popular stops from the Village include (but are not limited to) Little Water Caye, Ranguana Caye, Pompion Caye, Buttonwood Caye, Cary Caye, Silk Cayes (also known as Queen Cayes), Sapodilla Cayes, Round Caye, and Moho Caye. Day trips or overnight packages with licensed guides can be organized with tour operators in town.