Calico Jack’s Jungle Hiking Trails

Begin your journey back through time as you enter the amazing realm of Belize’s cave system. Belize’s cave system is the largest in Central America and caving in Belize offers you an opportunity to explore the world and ways with a a few differences of the Maya and geographical processes that shaped the region.

Caves are inextricably linked to the history of Belize and the Maya. Caves were fundamental to the religion of the Maya. Vapor clouds forming at the mouths of the caves suggested to the Maya that these were the places where wind and clouds were born. Here dwelled the gods of nature and caves were the portal between the tangible world and the invisible world of the gods—a place called Xixbalba. It was here at the mouths of the caves as well as deep within the recesses that the Maya performed their sacred rituals.

In many of the caves you will find large chambers and underground rivers.

Ancient Jungle Garden Trail (level 1*):  This 1 hour hike boasts more than 50 plants and trees gives visitors an opportunity to learn about the many medicinal properties of rainforest plants and trees used by the ancient Maya in their daily lives. Many of these plants and trees are still used by Belizeans as “home” remedies. The intent of this guided tour is to spread the knowledge of Mayan healing traditions and also of rainforest preservation.

Bega One Trail  (level 2*): Take an exhilarating 1.5 hour hike to Bega One (Valley One) Cave view crystal formations over 5,000,000 years old and  experience sacred areas of the ancient Maya including a Mayan Calendar and an alter used for sacred rites. The total tour time is about 2 hours.

Box-Tunich Trail (level 2.5*): After an exhilarating 1 hour uphill hike through a rocky canyon discover Box-Tunich (Stone Box) Cave and view extensive polychrome pottery remnants, the ancient formations (speleoteam) with the secondary calcium carbonate and a sacred ceremonial chamber used by the ancient Maya. The total tour time is about 2 hours.

La Vega Trail (level 3*): Join our knowledgeable guides on a 2 hour hike with lunch through the jungle culminating in a dip in our natural swimming hole La Vega.

Night Crawler Trail (level 1*): Experience the exotic and thrilling beauty of  the jungle while hiking at night. Our knowledgeable guides will take you on a 1-1.5 mile hike which exposes you to trails populated with howler monkeys, toads, owls, ocelots, tarantulas, snakes, jagarundis, and many more interesting jungle creatures.

*The levels associated with our jungle trails are indicative of the degree of challenge that each trail offers on a scale of 1 to 5. A rating of 5 indicates the most challenging trail while a rating of 1 connotes a normal trail that both young and the elderly can appreciate. The degree of challenge is a subjective assessment based on the type of terrain, the steepness range and total elevation gain during the hike. For additional information, read Calico Jack’s Levels for Rating Hiking Trails.